Our List Of The Most Empowering LGBTQ+ Characters On Freeform

We celebrate diversity and love on Freeform.

That's why, in honor of Pride Month, we want to commemorate and acknowledge the incredible strength of the LGBTQ+ community. Check out the most inspirational LGBTQ+ characters on Freeform and watch these groundbreaking shows for yourself.

Kate -- Cruel Summer

Kate found solace with Mallory, and an ally in her corner. It's no wonder she eventually fell for Mallory. Kate has just recovered from a really tough time and having a relationship with someone as loyal as Mallory will do her lots of good. Her story is just beginning now that she knows more about her past, and we're looking forward to a lot more of Kate and Mallory in Season 2. 

Drea -- Everything's Gonna Be Okay

Like her partner, Matilda, Drea exhibits the split-attraction model, too. She is asexual and homoromantic. She doesn't experience sexual attraction at all but falls in love with women, specifically Matilda. Navigating the split-attraction model was a challenge for the pair but after opening up their relationship, they have never been stronger. We love watching Drea on our screens for all the warmth she brings to the show, and especially for her dog, Duke. 

Andrew -- The Bold Type

Andrew is an outgoing, Type-A secretary who stans Jacqueline so much that he uses her as inspiration for his drag persona, Jacqueline Carmichael. Andrew is so confident as a young gay man that he loves being a drag performer and was even the model behind Scarlet's first digital cover. We love to see it.

Lindsay -- Good Trouble

Lindsay is non-binary and is comfortable in their skin. We see them alongside Alice in a professional capacity. Alice's mentor-turned-nemesis captivates every audience, and we are intrigued to see what's next for them.

Mallory -- Cruel Summer

Mallory might be the most mysterious character of the show but one mystery that was solved by the Season 1 finale is that Mallory has romantic feelings for Kate, that are reciprocated. Suddenly her loyalty and protectiveness over Kate made complete sense and we can't help but root for Kate and Mallory together. 

Alex -- Everything's Gonna Be Okay

Future dentist Alex knows how to capture the hearts of Nicholas and everyone else he comes across. He adores Nicholas and does his absolute best to be the best partner possible. We all relate to his determination to find a place in this world that allows him to have a voice, and we are always rooting for him and Nicholas to come together on the same page.

Oliver -- The Bold Type

Oliver's everyone's dream dad, and Carly hit the jackpot when Oliver became her legal guardian. He's out, proud, stylish, and gives the best advice to anyone who needs it (mainly Sutton). Representation of mature gay men is always so valuable as we can learn so much from them, and Oliver is the perfect example of that.

Jazmin -- Good Trouble

Jazmin is the epitome of bravery. We learn that her transition was hard fought and we see her constantly face discrimination for being a trans woman. What is important about Jazmin is that she is proud and confident in her identity as a woman and she's determined to make the world more accepting of transgender people.

Matilda -- Everything's Gonna Be Okay

Matilda is autistic and has to navigate sexuality alongside being neurodivergent. Matilda exhibits the split-attraction model by being heterosexual but being romantically attracted to women. She and Drea don't have a sexual relationship, but have a very strong romantic relationship that we can't help but root for.

Vince -- Cruel Summer

Vince is the most loyal friend to Jeanette and Mallory, and we love watching him be the sidekick to their mischief. Vince's romance with Ben is heartwarming to watch, and their storyline is a reminder of how hard it is to exist as a LGBTQ+ person especially when surrounded by people that would likely be hostile to Vince if he came out. We hope things get better for Vince and he can be out and proud. 

Adena -- The Bold Type

Her Twitter bio literally reads "Proud, Muslim, Lesbian" because she is a constant force of positivity. Adena immigrated from a country that literally made her identity as a lesbian illegal and she fights for her rights and the rights of other marginalized groups. Her and Kat's relationship might be on-off but when it's on, the passion levels are through the roof.

Alice -- Good Trouble

Coming out as a lesbian to Asian American parents presents its challenges but Alice bravely faces them head on. She teaches us that self-acceptance is something that can be achieved and is worthy of pursuit. We all relate to her pain after breaking up with Sumi, and we cannot wait to see her flourishing in Season 3.

Ben -- Cruel Summer

Cruel Summer is full of twists and turns that have us on the edge of our seats, but the most heartwarming scene has to be Ben and Vince's romantic dance at the LGBTQ+ party. You could feel the relief they felt at finally being in a space that would accept their love for each other and you just can't help but root for them, especially knowing they first bonded over their similar childhood losses. Ben might have found it hard to cope with his injury and the possibility of coming out, but he always would try and find a way to make things work with Vince. 

Nomi -- grown-ish

Badass Nomi knows what she wants and will make sure she gets it. Her bisexual journey is relatable and inspiring, especially how she handled coming out to her parents. Season 3 has been huge for her as she became a mother, and we're looking forward to seeing what's next for Nomi in Season 4.

Nicholas -- Everything's Gonna Be Okay

All Nicholas has ever wanted was to be cute and adorable, and guess what, he's the epitome of cute and adorable. His love story with Alex is heartwarming, and he's the best big brother to Matilda and Genevieve. Season 2 brought many challenges for Alex and Nicholas and we've loved every twist and turn. 

Gael -- Good Trouble

Gael is the male bisexual representation we've needed all along. He's out and proud, and his scenes with Callie are swoon-worthy. On top of that, Gael has always been the biggest supporter of his sister Jazmin when she came out as transgender. He's the bisexual hero we all need, and we can't wait to see what's next for him in Season 3!

Raelle -- Motherland: Fort Salem

Raelle is confident in her love for Scylla, but is less confident in her abilities as a cadet at Fort Salem. We see her grow throughout Season 1 as a witch and her and Scylla get passionate with each other, and we're eagerly anticipating what's next for Raelle in Season 2.

Kat -- The Bold Type

The social media specialist has really grown into a social media butterfly! Her politically divisive relationship with Eva is always so captivating, and now she's torn on acting on her long standing feelings for Adena. We can't wait to see what the bold Scarlet lady has in store for us during the fifth and final season of The Bold Type.

Scylla -- Motherland: Fort Salem

Her witchy ways have us tingling! Scylla is the femme fatale we've been waiting to see on screen. She is such a complex character hiding a lot of pain and secrets behind the exterior, and we just can't get enough. Plus, her passionate encounters with Raelle are life!

Emily -- Pretty Little Liars

After coming out in Season 1, Emily's same-sex relationships have never been a big deal. She is loyal to her friends, she really cares about other people, and she has great taste in women. Hopefully her relationship with Alison will last. #RelationshipGoals

Stef -- The Fosters

This woman has inspired us all with her commitment to her wife and family on The Fosters. She goes above and beyond not just for her children, but anyone in danger. She is kind, fiercely protective, and brave. How else could she manage to be a mother and cop at the same time?

Alexis -- Famous In Love

Alexis defies all stereotypes. She's far more complex than the world gives her credit for. Someone who knows what she wants, she isn't afraid to use every weapon in her arsenal to get it. Be it man or woman, whoever she chooses better hold on tight and enjoy the ride because there's no way of knowing where it will end. Get to know Alexis more by binging Season 1 of Famous In Love.

Alec -- Shadowhunters

Despite his outward strength, Alec really struggled with his identity in the first season of Shadowhunters. Raised in a very traditional community, Alec felt the pressure to conform to his parents' standards and almost got married just to impress them. After meeting Warlock Magnus Bane, Alec finally realized that being true to himself was more important than pleasing anyone else. We are so proud of him.

Camille -- Stitchers

Everyone's favorite sassy Stitcher has also revealed that she is bisexual (or pansexual) on Stitchers. After meeting an attractive medical examiner while investigating a case, Camille has moved on from her ex (Linus) and rejected the subtle romantic chemistry with Detective Fisher in favor of fashionable doctor/DJ Amanda Weston.

Jude -- The Fosters

Jude has been through some really difficult stuff, and all by the age of 14. But despite his past, he still manages to have a good heart and a bright outlook on life. Everyone wants to fit in at school, but Jude is brave enough to own his differences and face his classmates with pride. Check out some of his best moments in the latest episodes of The Fosters.

Paige -- Pretty Little Liars

Back when we first met her, Paige was using aggression to hide her confusion about her sexual orientation. But she emerged as a beautiful, confident young woman who is proud to tell the world who she loves and why. She and Emily had a brief reunion that gave them both closure before she moved away from Rosewood. We are so happy to have seen the best side of her on PLL.

Rachel -- Famous In Love

Rachel is one of the most genuine people in Hollywood, and prizes honesty and loyalty above all else. When Alexis was unwilling to make their relationship public, Rachel broke up with her. As an 'out and proud' woman, she didn't want to be forced back into the closet by her girlfriend. See her in action in Season 1 of Famous In Love now.

Aaron -- The Fosters

Aaron is relatively new to the show, but he's not new to being trans. Just like stories about lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, not every transgender story has to be about coming out and transition. Aaron's journey to be accepted by his family as their son, instead of the memory of a daughter they cling to, has been heartbreaking and eye-opening. We looked forward to seeing more of Aaron, and his growing relationship with Callie, in Season 5 of The Fosters.

Elliot -- Young & Hungry

Elliot is a scene-stealer who has us in stitches with his amazing one-liners. He may be a flawed character (who isn't?) but he is always true to himself. Every time we see him being his authentic self, we can't help but feel inspired to do the same. Check out some of his best moments in Young & Hungry.

Magnus -- Shadowhunters

This ancient and mysterious Warlock has been alive for centuries and knows it's the soul, not gender, that matters most. He cares about people and only spends time with those who are special to him. When Magnus met Alec Lightwood, he not only helped the young Shadowhunter reveal his true self, but gained another chance at true love. To live as long as he has and not become cynical and jaded is truly extraordinary. See this sorcerer in action on Shadowhunters now.

Amanda -- Stitchers

She may be new on the block but she has already caused quite a stir. Amanda is a medical examiner who has been told about the Stitchers program so that she can deliver bodies when necessary. She doesn't let working in a morgue get her down. Instead she moonlights as a badass DJ which immediately caught Camille's eye. These two are going to shake things up for sure. See for yourself by watching Stitchers now.

Lena -- The Fosters

This woman is everyone's idea of the perfect mom. She's tough but fair, and she's always ready for a cuddle when her kids need it. Throughout The Fosters, Lena has constantly stood up for what she believed in. She made sure that her son got the LGBT-inclusive sex education he needed and we can't wait to see what she stands up for next.

Alison -- Pretty Little Liars

Ali is an extremely complicated character. But whether you love her or hate her, you can't help but be excited about the idea of her and Emily raising a child together. Alison has had many relationships throughout the series, but the one that she keeps coming back to is her best friend. This couple could be endgame, but you'll have to watch PLL to find out.

Let's celebrate.

Happy Pride! 

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